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Charity / Non-Profit Nomination
Regrets Form
Presentation Tips
You want your nominated charity to receive the entire donation of 100 Warmland Women’s membership, so make sure you develop a 5-minute presentation that is compelling. Be personal, be passionate and let the members of 100 Warmland Women know why you support your chosen organization. Are you one of their volunteers? Do you sit on their board? Do you work for them? Has the charity affected you or someone you know in a personal way? Or do you just feel strongly about the work they do? Whatever your reason for supporting your chosen charity, make sure that if your Registered Charity/Non-Profit Nomination Form is selected, you give your charity the best chance to win. Your 5-minute presentation is key, and although it will be low-tech (sorry, we don't have time for PowerPoint presentations), you can easily develop a presentation that resonates with your fellow 100 Warmland Women members.
1. Introduction: Know the Facts
In the first minute of your presentation, introduce your chosen charity. Tell our members about the charity: who they are, what they do, how they do it, the people they serve, and the impact they have.
2. Speak From the Heart
Tell the audience why you're passionate about your chosen charity and the work they do. Let members know how the organization makes a difference and demonstrate how they have made an impact by telling a personal story or the story of someone else. Testimonials and real-life events will help your audience make an emotional connection with the charity, and leave members with a better understanding of the organization's value.
3) Show them the MONEY!
If your chosen charity receives a donation where will the money go? Members want to make a wise choice about the charity they select, so you need to be informed. Will the money be applied to the general operating budget to help your chosen charity grow? Will funds be used to purchase supplies, materials or technology? Will the donation be used to expand a program or service? You don't need to memorize financial statements or go into detail, but be informed and take the time to find out how the donation will be used.
4. Practice!
Make sure you practice your presentation. Being familiar with your material will give you confidence, help the flow of your presentation and ensure that you keep it to five minutes.
Use your presentation time to inform and inspire. Even if your chosen charity doesn't receive a donation, just educating the audience about your chosen charity is beneficial. As a result of your presentation, some of our members may access the charities' services, talk to others about the charity, make a donation, become a volunteer or get on the charity's board. Whatever happens, your presentation will have a positive impact, so use your time wisely. And remember, you are among a group of committed and supportive women who want you and your nominated charity to succeed. Speak from the heart.
Talking Points
Q&A Tips
When you are chosen to present you organization here is a list of questions that you should be prepared to discuss.
Would you Rather Not Present?
If you'd rather not deliver a presentation about your nominated registered charity, that's ok! You have two choices:
  1. Ask another 100 Warmland Women member to deliver the presentation on your behalf, OR
  2. Have a member of the Lead Team deliver your presentation for you. (If option two is what you choose, send an email copy of your presentation, at least one week before the next meeting, to the Lead Team.)
You never know when something will come up and keep you from a meeting. Prepare for unexpected events by giving a copy of your presentation to another 100 Warmland Women member, or send it via email to and one of our Lead Team members to present on your behalf. / Subject line: Presentation Request
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Pictures used with permission courtesy of David Chang Photography